Morning trip at desert safari Dubai

Morning trip at desert safari Dubai



Morning trip at desert safari Dubai

Posted By : Desert Safari UAE/ 1989 0

Our  tourism provide you a troubled free relaxed peaceful and carefree Trip to desert safari Dubai which is the most famous desert or one corner or entertainment center of United Arab Emirates.

Things to enjoy in desert safari

Our tourism provides the best deals and packages to desert safari Dubai along with bundles of facilities and entertainments. They will provide you up pick and drop service at your doorstep and a guide or driver will collect you in a 4 wheel comfortable and air conditioned vehicle and take you to desert safari Dubai where your reservation is basically done where you have an opportunity to enjoy a new mode of transportation that is dune bashing.

Dune bashing

Dune bashing is basically means to drive any vehicle on an up and down or uneven surface such as desert or over sand dunes as the surface is not smooth so to drive any vehicle on this portion of land required special skill so to enjoy this vehicle in desert safari Dubai trip is really amazing and memorable.

Camel farm visit and camel riding

After completing this amazing and memorable ride our driver will take you to next destination which is camel farm from where you can enjoy the camel ride which is basically the tradition or the compulsory is right or you can say that the camel is the desert animal so to survive in desert it is obligatory to ride a  camel actually camel riding is a beautiful mode of transportation and it will take you back almost around 15000 years back when there were no luxurious transports so the camel riding was the only way to travel from one place to another place.

Sand boarding

After camel riding you can enjoy send boarding as well which is very familiar and similar to snowboarding and it is also known as the board sport which involves riding across ups and downs of saint standing on a boat which require a unique skill or technique this and boarding can also be practiced and experienced in sitting position and standing position too.

Relaxation in camps along with snacks

After completing all these rides and after gaining a wonderful experience of desert safari Dubai rides you can relax at our camps and enjoy a light breakfast or snack or something lite.


The breakfast will include some complimentary drinks and all eatables which are normal person use in their breakfast the best part about the food of desert safari Dubai is that their food is really amazing yummy delicious as well as organic and hygienic.


There is another activity which you can enjoy most in desert safari Dubai trip is photography basically photography is the second name of building memories although the photography is your skill but to photograph your beautiful moments auto capture your every beautiful memory in such a way that they will always remind you about the best time so in desert safari Dubai you can capture your all beautiful moments and one additional thing is also available there that is aerobic costumes so you can give yourself full Arab look in a perfect desert area that will be really enjoyable for you. tourism provide you best packages best deals for every age group people with different types of facilities and entertainments for booking and more details go check our website.

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